Underwater Photography Singapore- Underwater Portraits with Barbara Latimer
The last time we shot was in 2012. So what happens when you do another underwater photo-shoot with a good friend 7 years later? Well, this.
Barbara Latimer is a good friend of mine and we go way back since our days in Temasek Polytechnic. Just when we graduated, I came up with this crazy idea to fly to Manado, Indonesia to shoot and publish a book. I had also just then received my new Aquatica Digital housing for my Canon 5D Mark II and well, I had to give it a test before my big trip right? Barbara happily volunteered to be my subject, marking the very first time I shot a person underwater. It was a lot more difficult than expected.
Well guys, the next few photos are of me showing you how to NOT take photos of people underwater. Haha..

Yes it was very tragic. From the make-up, to the posing, and especially the framing. What was I thinking back then? I definitely did not do her beauty justice.
7 years has passed since and Barbara has done some pretty amazing things. From starting off hosting kids shows to hosting the recent English Premier League, it’s always so encouraging to see friends excelling in the paths they take. As for me, I guess I learnt how to take photos of people better.

All we needed was less than an hour and we got most of the shots! As always, I quickly briefed Barbara with the proper breathing and posing techniques (which I have formulated and perfected during the past 7 years) and she was all ready to shoot within 10 minutes!
Doing an underwater photo-shoot is indeed something different and an experience in itself. Drewperspectives has launched our new service offering and that is- Underwater Portrait Photography so that clients can now choose something more affordable and casual! It could be for a birthday present to yourself or someone else, or even for your own keepsake. Heck, this would work for maternity shoots too! Do email drewperspectives@gmail.com and book a shoot now!
"Hands down I’d do it again. Let’s be honest, we’re humans, we’re not built to live underwater by any means, but in those 15-20s blocks when you’re down there, working with minimal air in your lungs, it’s beautiful. It takes a while to get a hang of the breathing techniques, learning how your body, facial muscles, eyes, hair and clothes all respond under water. It’s almost like you’ve landed on a new planet, and you’ve got to relearn how to move. Not the easiest, but Andrew made it it feel seamless. Knowing the right angles, being specific with particular directions whilst at the same time giving me the freedom to experiment. His experience, patience and guidance allowed us to have some of the most fun whilst getting shots of myself that I never thought possible."- Barbara Latimer (@latimerbarbara)